
Remote Development Teams - A Great Choice to Boost Margins and Productivity

Hiring a remote development team has many more benefits than just the cost savings it offers. Every day more companies are turning to remote developers. With remote development, organizations have access to a larger resource pool, it also gives a competitive edge to businesses by allowing the implementation of automation (including RPA leverage), cloud-based solutions, cybersecurity, and mobile development at lower costs. Today, we’ll discuss the benefits and the impact that remote developers can bring to an organization. As demand for offshore software development teams increases, it’s important to understand more about remote development and if it’s the right choice for your team.

Cost reductions in operations and infrastructure

If you are looking to remote development as an alternative for your organization, costs are probably your primary interest when deciding to outsource development and technical services. Besides the apparent reduction in costs for facilities and equipment, salary considerations may significantly affect your budget.

Even with equally qualified professionals, there are significant differences in the salaries paid to overseas engineers, programmers, and architects when looking at countries recognized for their software development prowess.


When it comes to tech development, studies have consistently shown that software developers’ productivity is strongly related to tasks and the ability to work remotely. With the correct communication channels, remote developers can be just as productive, if not more productive than in-house developers.

Even if your talent requirements are niche, you can find the right talent when you outsource development by accessing talent from many regions. According to HackerRank’s Developer Skills Report,  over 40% of employers say that talent shortage is an important issue they face when hiring developers. By building remote development teams you pick the best from a much larger talent pool that is not limited to geography or availability.

Greater time-zone availability

According to Remote Team Trends: “End users expect always on and incredible speed. To make that happen, tech companies need to match with continuous ways to track consumer feedback, fix bugs, and release the latest and greatest product."

With the DevOps model, remote teams offer continuous delivery in software project development:

– Improved support and faster bug fixes.
– Great delivery process across the organization.
– Automation in deliveries and bug fixes.
– Increased flexibility and agility for teams.
– Great team engagement.
– Cross-skilled and complementary teams.
– Great collaboration.

Remote teams can offer continuous technical support, delivery, and development for new and ongoing projects. Organizations often worry about an 8hr work-day, whereas by going remote , you might be able to easily get a 16h or even a 20h work-day by leveraging the advantages of having team members in different time zones.

Communication tools are key to success

Using the right tools for your project development and maintenance is crucial for success. Current SaaS cloud-based tools are efficient and cost-effective collaboration tools. Agile methodology works best for remote or offshore development based projects. Ensuring transparency, agility, and efficiency in product development. Developers are professionals that strive with the right tool-stack. They’re great at leveraging software solutions to do different tasks and picking the right tool for the right job. The right team with the right tools can push your organization to software development success. By integrating communication, scheduling review meetings, and using collaborative tools your remote team will thrive. A highly skilled tech person knows the importance of soft skills like communication and professionalism that are essential to making remote work a success. At Baja Technologies, we understand this, and work to provide great people with a strong development track record but also great people skills.

With the current pandemic, we have all become more familiarized with many of these tools, but it’s great to go over them, as they are key to remote teams’ success. Great collaboration tools:

– Slack, Google Meets, Microsoft Teams for morning scrum meetings
– Status reports and project management using tools like Notion, Coda, and Trello
– CRM tracking, assigning action - Odoo, Airtable
– Scheduled calls with clients, departments  -  Zoom, Meets, Teams
– Daily status review using different tools — Gsuite, Airtable, Notion, Coda


Remote development teams can be just as efficient as having an in-house development team. If you are unsure about hiring a whole technical team for your organization, then looking to nearshore teams will be highly beneficial. Nearshore development costs much less and helps you avoid a whole lot of management & knowledge deficiency issues. For startups, it is especially beneficial since they could be facing budget crunches. Remote development widens your skill base without compromising on the quality of the end product, plainly put, remote teams are extremely skilled and cost a lot less than in-house teams.

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